Weight 3.0 lb
Length 4.25 in
Width 4.25 in
Height 3.5 in

Deck pipe leg insert

  • Sale
  • $ 47

This product is designed to allow you to use 1.5" pipe or 1 5/8" Telestrut as legs in wooden frame "theater" style decking. legs are held in place with a single 1/2-13 Grade 8 hex head bolt

With over 4 years of development and prototyping and literally hundreds of uses in real world rentals and shows, we have created what we feel is the strongest and most flexible system for end users to build strong, cost effective, and customized stage decks. Using our brackets and locally sourced lumber and hardware, users can create staging for theater, bands, and more!

Other leg inserts do not fully capture the leg. This means every time you tighten the leg it is putting strain on the wooden joint. We have have seen corners come apart just from over tightening the leg. Ours take all the strain of tightening the leg, and still add considerable strength to a deck, even after 100 rentals they will still be holding up like the day they were built. By not capping the top of the bracket it adds some flexibility, triangle frames can be made to use both sides of the frame instead of having to stock separate left and right pieces. you can also run legs through a deck, this can be useful for building handrails, mounting banners or backdrops on the back of stages, stacking decks in riser configurations, or building ramps.

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