Weight 10.0 lb
Length 21 in
Width 5 in
Height 2.5 in

deck caster insert

  • Sale
  • $ 67

This product is designed to allow you to mount 4" casters to wooden frame "theater" style decking putting the deck at 8" heigh

With over 4 years of development and prototyping and literally hundreds of uses in real world rentals and shows, we have created what we feel is the strongest and most flexible system for end users to build strong, cost effective, and customized stage decks. Using our brackets and locally sourced lumber and hardware, users can create staging for theater, bands, and more!

With no other product quite like it on the market, we made a bracket that allows you to mount wheels to decks to create theater wagons or rolling drum risers. The bracket mounts to the frame of your decks instead of simply screwing them to the underside of the deck surface, resulting in a deck that is far stronger. A 2x4 framed deck with 4" casters will have a finished height of 8" and mounts far enough away from the corner that it can be used in conjunction with other leg inserts.

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